El Arco: Mexico’s Picture Perfect Arch
The lovely arch that graces Cabo San Lucas is one of the world’s most celebrated rock formations. Even people who can’t locate it on a map recognize the iconic arch as the gateway to paradise. The iconic arch of Cabo is situated on the exact spot where the Sea of Cortes meets the Pacific Ocean. Perceptive onlookers can actually see a slight variation in the color of the water where the two seas diverge.

The Sea of Cortes is teeming with marine life, including sea lions who have adapted to blend in flawlessly with the light orange rocks of the widely photographed arch. Visitors can stroll along the small beach adjacent to the picture-perfect arch. The perfectly formed waves often look like rolling glass as they crash ashore. The arch is best reached by boat or kayak. Attempting to swim to the arch is quite treacherous, as it is fairly far away from the mainland.

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