The Golden Rock Temple – The Wonder Of a Sacred Place
When it comes to interesting places to visit, Asia is definitely on the top of the list. The history, culture and religion have turned it into a piece of land filled with endless surprises. One of them is the Golden Rock Temple. This unique monument provides an incredible view, history and tradition.
The Golden Rock Temple, or Kyaiktiyo Pagoda, is a pagoda located in Mon State, Burma, in the Southern Asia. A pagoda is a tower built on multiple levels, in honor of saints and gods. The temple is among the most uniquely built pagodas. Located at 3608.924 feet above the sea level, 23 feet tall pagoda is laid on a giant rock, which is entirely covered with gold. The rock below the pagoda is merely stuck, with the larger one below it. This makes it look as if the rocks were levitating. Apart from defying gravity rules by nature, the Golden Rock Temple also hides a religious tradition worth venerating by Buddhists worldwide.
As the legend says, the Buddha was visiting various Asian locations, when he met a Taik Tha; a hermit, who chose to spend his life in loneliness and to follow God. Apparently, Buddha gave Taik Tha a strand of his hair and the hermit gave it to the king of that time. The king, who supposedly had supernatural powers, found a rock at the bottom of the sea which resembled the hermit’s head shape. The put it on top of another one and, along with Buddha’s hair strand, covered the entire rock in gold and built a pagoda on top of it.
With or without the legend, the Golden Rock Temple is among the most popular destinations for tourists, who want to get a taste of the Asian culture and religion. Furthermore, the square right next to the pagoda provides visitors with an incredible view of the city and the sea.
Overall, for tourists, who seek an unforgettable journey and quiet cultural destination, the Golden Rock Temple is the places to visit.
Submitted by Hamid Bagha. Thank you.

Image Credit Flickr User Pyjama

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