There are all kinds of museums all over the world: Museum of Natural History, Maritime Museum, Museum of Fine or Modern Art and many more. Vasa Museum in Stockholm, consists of only one artifact, but it may take all day to explore it.
Located on the island of Djurgården in Stockholm, The Vasa is a 17th century warship, which has become a museum. The warship is divided into six floors, each of them offers a glimpse into a life on board, as well as curious finds from the warship.
Unfortunately, Vasa sailed to its first and last journey on August 10, 1628. It sank in a Stockholm harbour, minutes after it was set to sail. It remained on a seabed, for 333 years.
The king Gustav II Adolf intended a military expansion and renovation of the navy. He planned adding a couple of new warships to the navy, annually. Equipped with 64 cannons, the ship was meant to be the most powerful warship in Baltic Sea. People from all kinds of background: carpenters, smiths and others, worked hard to build the warship.
Besides of being a great warship, Vasa was an excellent work of art. It was intended to represent Sweden’s culture and power. Around 700 sculptors and artists worked to decorate the ship. There were sculptures from Greek and Roman mythology. The stern was decorated with a ten feet tall lions, holding a coat of arms of the Vasa dynasty.
Very well preserved finds and decorations, make the ship incredible to explore. It can be viewed from all sides and from any height. Visitors can go up to the second floor and look up, to really see the ships colossal dimensions or, on the contrary, go up to the ceiling and look at the ship from above. Each point has a description of, what visitors are looking at.
On each floor, the structure of the ship is divided in the section, so visitors can walk around the deck, touch the gun, pull the sail or direct the keel.
For those, who enjoy history and art, Vasa Museum is a great place to visit.