Hidden Aqua Gem of the Grand Canyon – Havasupai Falls, Arizona

The Grand Canyon is one of Arizona’s most visited tourist attractions. The magnificent rocks are known as one of the most unique wonders of the world. Explore a little deeper and discover its best kept secret: The Havasupai Falls.
Havasupai is named after the native American Havasupai tribe and means “people of the blue-green water”. This cluster of aquamarine colored waterfalls is found deep in the Havasu Cavern. The serene looking waters a secluded, so the area is peacefull.
The Havasupai Falls remain hidden from most tourists. It’s mainly due to the native Havasupai tribesmen, who remain reluctant to fully open their dwellings to the public. That being said, a limited number of tourists are allowed into a portion of the Supai Village, where the falls are located, through a system camping permits.

Once you get the permit, only half the battle is won because you’ll have to rough it out on a 10-mile hike to get there. If you’re not up for a strenuous, yet beautiful hiking path, you can also either get there via helicopter, horse ride or mule ride.

The rewarding sights of the picturesque blue waters are definitely be worth it. The 100-foot Havasu falls get their ultra-blue waters, due to high levels of Calcium Carbonate found in the spring-fed waters. Once there, you’ll be able to enjoy various activities from sightseeing, high cliff jumps or swimming. Also, there are plenty of other stunning waterfalls, within the vicinity.

If you’re planning to make a trip to see the falls, make sure to get your permit from the Havasupai Tribe website, only overnight camping permits are allowed as they don’t cater to day-trips. For the easiest way there, just head on over to the helicopter launch pad located next to the last working Pony Express in America. Make sure to respect the native village and grounds and be safe when swimming in particularly rough waters, and most of all, enjoy the view.
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