Fairy Glen: Scotland’s Enchanted Landslip

If traveling to Scotland to search for faeries is at the top of your to-do list, a visit to Fairy Glen in Scotland’s Isle of Skye is a must. Fairy Glen is a surreal landscape that features rolling green hills, placid water, and a grove of crooked trees that appear to be the ideal natural habitat for a band of slightly mischievous supernatural beings.

There isn’t any explicit faerie lore rooted in the landscape of Fairy Glen, even though much of Scotland is rumored to be teeming with faeries. Fairy Glen is named Fairy Glen simply because it looks like the ideal faerie home. Fairy Glen is the result of an ancient landslip (otherwise known as a landslide) that left some unique hills and rock formations in its wake.

Visitors can climb a rock formation called Castle Ewan to gain a panoramic view of Fairy Glen. From a distance, the natural rock of Castle Ewan looks like the ruins of a medieval castle. There is a small cave behind Castle Ewan where people often leave coins so the faeries of Scotland will grant them good luck.

Many visitors are fond of creating circular or spiral rock art with coins in the center in order to attract faeries. Locals who live around Fairy Glen frown upon this practice, and regularly break up the rock art. Scottish locals would like the world to know that disturbing the natural landscape will not result in a faerie sighting. If you’re intent on seeing a faerie, being quiet and perceptive is key. Scottish lore dictates that faeries dwell in areas where they can easily take cover. The rolling hills and rocky crevices of Fairy Glen feature plenty of potential locations for a bustling faerie kingdom. Only the most keen observer will spot a faerie in Fairy Glen.

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