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  1. i don’t know that i would label it creepy? but i would say that i find it monumentally sad for that woman. one can only wonder at the amount of loneliness that she has to feel to construct these dolls to be not so alone.

  2. Having been through the area, it is sadly not surprising. Tokushima is in the arse-end of the country, and even its biggest city, aside from a grand annual festival every August, has little going for it. People need a reason to live in an area, and beautiful natural scenery just doesn’t fill your belly for very long. This phenomenon is not unique to that region or Japan either, but in a place where for over 150 years a policy of superconcentration in Tokyo for everything has occurred, it is unavoidable, and this problem cannot be changed in a country where reform is a four-letter word.

    1. Yeah wouldn’t say it’s creepy as much as it is sad. She says she ‘thinks about the dolls” and they are ” like her children.” Just seems like a very lonely life. And unfortunately, when you live in such isolation for that long, it can mess with your mind if you know what I mean. Not saying she is totally nuts, but for sure she is a little off balance. Be curious to know who the other 34 people are living there, and what they think of her and the dolls.

  3. Went there today. What the lady has done is not sad, but rather inspirational and beautiful. The village is very quiet due to a declining, aging and urbanising population. That is sad. The dolls bring joy, liveliness and tourism (that in turn brings jobs and a reason to stay). I recommend a visit and the drive either side of the village is pretty remarkable too.

    1. Thank you!! The only “sad” thing about this are the voyeuristic Americans making comments about how “sorry” they feel for this woman, pity her, and question her sanity. But then, this is just American tradition. Othering non-white cultures, and turning them into a spectacle to be viewed and judeged from a far, so they can avoid attempting to understand the situation, and feel better about themselves for not being “so barbaric” or “insane”– we as a people have been doing this since before leaving England. 😒

      I think this is a sweet thing for this woman to do to remember loved ones. Plus, it’s bringing tourism to the village, so maybe it will breathe some life into the village with new jobs!

  4. I didn’t think it was creepy, but very sad. How sad that a woman would have to go to those lengths to not feel alone. How old is this woman??

  5. The village is now become popular n sounds like a tourism location, especially for folks interested in dolls. And on the other hand can become a lil business destination for dolls production although on a smaller scale. Always see opportunities in life situations,and what can be made out of it.

  6. The lady is quite an artist. I am sure people in the western world would like a doll to keep them company. There is nothing wrong with having dolls , if It makes you happy!

  7. I think this is beautiful and how creative that woman might be , feel like visiting that place . Should be an amazing picnic spot or I can say n photoshoot point n this is how that woman’s loneliness will fade away

  8. I am an American and I would appreciate it if everyone would not judge a person based upon their country of origin! I found this to be most interesting and would love to see the town if I get to Japan someday. The woman sounds like she has a lot of imagination and cares a great deal. Sorry to burst someone’s preconceived idea but just because one is white does not make that person insensitive or prejudiced. I suggest trying to NOT judge anyone until you have met them and even then, don’t do it. People are individuals and I for one do not appreciate being labeled as anything other than what I am, an individual!

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