Nitt Witt Ridge: A Folksy California Home Made out of Trash
Artist and trash hauler Arthur Beal—who was also known as Captain Nitt Witt—lived by the old adage that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Captain Nitt Witt spent decades constructing a home in Cambria, California out of beer cans, bullet casings, and other natural and synthetic materials that he found along his garbage route. Arthur Beal christened his home Nitt Witt Ridge and faithfully added bits of shell and shards of glass to his trashy abode until his death at age 96 in 1992.

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Nitt Witt Ridge is located approximately 8 miles from the posh Hearst Castle which was constructed by newspaper titan William Randolph Hearst in the early days of the 20th century. Local lore states that Arthur Beal was able to squirrel away some building materials which were intended for the Hearst Castle so that they could be used to construct Nitt Witt Ridge.
Needless to say, Captain Nitt Witt was an eccentric character with a bawdy sense of humor who delighted in irritating uptight townsfolk and getting a laugh out of like-minded souls. Nitt Witt Ridge features numerous salvaged toilets, including a mirrored rooftop commode which offers a panoramic view of one of California’s most gorgeous landscapes. Captain Nitt Witt was famous for sitting on his mirrored throne in a robe and heckling any person who crossed his path.

In 1999, a Nitt Witt Ridge enthusiast named Michael O’Malley and his wife Stacey purchased Nitt Witt Ridge. Michael offers daily tours of the property for a small suggested donation. Clothes, cans of evaporated milk, and toilet seats galore that were the personal property of Captain Nitt Witt himself line each room.
For much of American history, California has been considered the last frontier where the kookiest and most visionary characters thrive. Nitt Witt Ridge is a shining example of California‘s proud outsider tradition.
881 Hillcrest Drive
Cambria, California, 93428
United States
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