Whimsical Dr. Seuss House in Alaska
Located in Willow, Alaska, this peculiar structure is referred to by locals as the “Dr. Suess House.” It’s one of America’s architectural wonders. And you can see why…
The original owner worked on it extensively for 10 years before he died. Then it sat abandoned for 10 years until a new owner purchased it and has started renovations.
The story behind it is that the owner originally built the house with a view of Denali/Mt. McKinley. He happened to build it right after a forest fire though, so the trees were all short, new growth. As time progressed, his view was impeded, and he would build another level, eventually ending with the building you see here.
If you plan on visiting, keep in mind that although the house is virtually abandoned it’s still privately owned and thus on private property. A great way to see it is by driving past it, on a train, or take a ride with an Alaskan bush pilot, which in general is a great way to see the Alaskan countryside.
The “Dr. Seuss House” is located between Willow and a Talkeetna, and would take roughly 25-30 minutes to get into Talkeetna from there.
The coordinates given for the Dr. Seuss house are completely bogus, and it is not really in Willow, AK, but many miles north of that vicinity.
In one way that might not be so bad. Keeps the yahoos away. 😉
And to be fair, at the end, the author does clarify that the house is between Willow and another town.
I agree Apophenia. I was able to locate the place on Google Earth, which is a great way to get true coordinates on it, but in respect of the owner, I would not publish them.
you cracked it bill youre like a hacker or a wizard or something wow… all those people willing to go out in the middle of alaska to see a dilapidated structure will be stumped unless they come to you
Bahahahaha, sarcasm meter is reading a full 100%, captain!
I call B.S. on the whole story. It is about 8 stories above the tree so that scraps the “building up to preserve the view, and bogus geo tags pretty much seals it.
I was here about 8 years ago. It’s gained a few levels since then. It’s beautiful inside – spiral staircase, neat nooks as you ascent for reading and checking out the view.
Hey so you said you been there before could you tell me how to get there? I’ve been trying to find it for some time now.
A clever person can find a photograph with geo coordinates and locate the house. The “maintain the view” theory is probably pure speculation.
Blew by the house today on the way back from the Great One …. AKA Denali with some friends in the Cessna Sky wagon …. the way I find it is drop down to the Susitna river at about Talkeetna, from the north, fly the river at about 150 mph at 100 ft., just above tree line cross the Parks Hwy bridge and a fly a few more twists an turns you see it on the left. that is I get above the tree line and head for the structure and tell the gusts to get the camera ready AK fun, not a doubter we are a land with unique souls all trying to express them selves. Peace
These are not the correct coordinates. This is causing that neighborhood so much frustration. They are reporting every vehicles to State Troopers that are in that area, so thank you for that. I would suggest taking this down or changing to the correct ones.
Do NOT attempt to go view this house from the your car other than from the Parks Hwy. We just wanted a glimpse and came across a sign deeming it unsafe but an open gate. We went through the gate and came upon another sign informing us that we were being videoed so we turned around. Just in time to see a creepy man closing and locking the gate behind us. He then threatened to have us arrested. Basically crawled through my drivers window to berate us for driving as closes as we did. Please keep in mind that we were never close enough to actually see the house. After the scary man was done screaming at me, my husband, my two young children and my parents, he hesitantly let us go and unlocked the gate. I can only imagine what would have happened if it were two naive teenagers who mistakenly thought they could look at the house. Scary to think about. This man was not stable. To the property owner: Close your gate if you do not want people entering, do not bait and trap them like some sort of psycho.
Jessica Maves. An open gate is an invitation to enter private property? If you left your garage door open is that an invitation for the public to enter your garage? What if your front door was standing open? Is that bait and trap?Interesting lesson you gave your children. Just be glad that scary old man didn’t leave the gate locked and have the troopers cite you for trespassing then escort you off the property. The moral of the story is to respect others property.
Jessica Maves, you are the psycho if you think it is perfectly fine to just carry on through a gate, that is nit in YOUR property! I’ll remind you of your acceptable explanation, when you leave your front yard gate open, or garage door, and you find me just casually walking around… YOUR property. Did you even make it through high school?