More Destinations


  1. Thanks for the beautiful pictures! I’m proof reading a friend’s historical fiction novel that winds up in Ireland with a reference to Acjill island and the monoli8Dun Bridge. Glad I googled it!

  2. It would be interesting to know more about the composition of the different layers of rock represented in the Dun Briste Sea Stack. Corresponding those layers with the approximate period of time when they were formed. From the information provided, the stack and surrounding area were formed a whopping 350 million years ago. In a way, time on earth is similar to the vast distances of the universe. 350 million years is a long time, but in geological terms, not that long when contrasted with rock formations found elsewhere that are almost as old as the earth itself, several billions of years and more.

  3. That very distinctive lighter layer was formed at the time of the cataclysmic event that wiped out the dinosaurs. You will find this same layer, sometimes lighter, most often darker as you draw closer to the crater itself, all over the world.

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