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  1. THIS IS AMAZING. I want to visit. More than that the beauty of these artisans in SOUL shines forth to brighten the world and show how living a life in line with LOVE works out….perfectly. PEACE is achieved when you live your passion..with humility and Love. THANK YOU FOR THIS …Merri

  2. Hi
    I am from Kerala state in India. Such a beautifull country side. If God allows me, I will visit Poland some day with my family.
    What a country side you . They are with heavenly beauty

  3. How can you call this beautiful when rabbits are kept in cramped hutches, and a dog lies on concrete, chained to a wall without even a blanket?

    1. what has one to do with the other? Is a sunset or sunrise not beautiful even though people are dying in wars? Is a flower not beautiful because children are dying of hunger for no reason at all except poverty? Is a small child’s laugh of delight not beautiful because there is pollution and poisons in our air and water and food? What a bleak world you must live in if you cannot see beauty because there is ugliness in the world.. there is and always will be ugliness, it’s the awareness of what beauty is that motivates people to change and move towards it.

      1. Pam, great words, so agree with you.
        They paint to cover some faults (not ugly)- “….every single female resident in Zalipie begun to paint her home with floral motives, as she wanted to cover up some particular faults.”

    2. Well spotted. This is the unfortunate reality of Polish countryside; a lot of people don’t treat animals as we’d wish them to. Luckily this is slowly changing for the better.

    3. Hey Baba – – did you ever think that possibly it is for the dog’s own best interests that it is chained up. It could be a dog that is going to chase every moving wheel in sight and get run over. That happened to my own dog!

    4. Give it a break Baba, you focus on one thing and put blinders on to the beauty. The rabbit in the cage probably has a much nicer life than the poor rabbit in the wild. He’s fed and kept warm and has nothing to worry about but they were talking about the beauty of the painted buildings. Are you one of those people that have to turn everything into a bad thing? Do you have to rain on everyone else’s parade?

    5. What? You mean in comparison to the Western world where animals are treated like cute little toys and kept as house pets? There is nothing more cruel than keeping rabbits in a house without the run of a garden or dressing a dog in clothes but that’s the pet industry for you. Make out the animal can’t survive without human intervention to make profit. The animals in the photos are either for food or protection and are not pets. Considering animals in the pet trade are put down if they aren’t bought or turned into handbags and dog food I can’t say which treatment is worse.

    6. Hey Baba… that dog is a GUARD sheepdog, not a in-house pet and I can only see one or two rabbits in each hutches, and it must in the early morning that rabbits are still in their hutches.

  4. No, no. Ilość “Å›wiÄ™tych obrazków” przypadajÄ…cych na 1 metr kwadratowy Å›cian jest doprawdy imponujÄ…ca. Szkoda mi jedynie tego biednego psiny na uwiÄ™zi. Ale jaka religia – taki stosunek do zwierzÄ…t.

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