Dorset Marble Quarry

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One Comment

  1. The owner is one of the nastiest, most miserable people I have had the misfortune of interacting with in the past several months, without question. Extremely nasty man who will snap on you in a moment if you don’t magically know every single rule and facet of the quarry before you even try to enter the parking lot for your first time, and you’d better be telepathic, because there are no signs stating to slow down or stop and pay, and he will be EXTREMELY nasty if you make the same mistake I did and drive halfway past him before getting screamed at.

    This place operates under a Recreational Use Statute – this means it is free to the public, by law the owner cannot charge anyone to enter the quarry. Thata why they try to get you with parking. Don’t support parasitic behavior such as this, and don’t give this miserable man a dollar. Park respectfully in town without blocking traffic or crowding put neighborhoods and hike in free of charge, as God and your Government intended.

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