An unusual statue of a fighter jet is standing between two office buildings in Falls Church City, Washington DC. What makes this statue different, is that it’s covered entirely in 14,000 pennies.
It was crafted by artist Courtney S. Hengerer in 2008 and was originally meant to commemorate a statue event in nearby Crystal City. The event hosted various works of art centered around planes, as the city was a big player in the aviation industry.
After the event was over, all the artwork had been sold to various organisations, which resulted in the penny statue, named Pennies from Heaven, to be relocated in Falls Church City.
Visitors can come see the unique structure for free. Some might even be able to spot a few odd UK coins with Queen Elizabeth’s face, instead of run of the mill penny. Another interesting challenge is to spot the oldest penny in the collection.
Address: 6400 Arlington Blvd
Falls Church, Virginia, 22042
United States